
Тестовая страница2

Материал из Тамбов-Вики

This is the third panel of the basic tab example. This is the third panel of the basic tab example.

This is the fourth panel of the basic tab example. This is the fourth panel of the basic tab example.


  • A familiar wiki look with a sidebar on a desktop but a responsive mobile experience on tablets and phones.
  • Many features. Control the behaviour of the features offered.
  • Useful Tabs. Built-in and responsive tabs.
  • Smart Typography. Сhoose the design of the text that you need.
  • Grid Layout. Place your information efficiently on desktop and mobile devices. Watch the grid align and just work across all viewports.
  • Block Grid when you need pictures or text to align and just work! No need to constantly test how it looks on this device or that device. It looks great on all of them!
  • Need a image slideshow? An easy to use Image Slider is ready to go and you can customize speed, captions, auto play, and other elements to fit your needs.
  • Full support of Font Awesome 4.7 built in and since visual examples speak better than words, they are being used on this page!!!